Wednesday 12 June 2013

Crêpes for the health conscious?

Crêpes healthy? No, no, no! They are calories galore! Well no unless you place your finger on the trigger for 5 seconds as you squirt cream lavishly on.  
Our plain crêpes would be no more than 150 calories and we all need calories to do the all important things in life, like watch TV, play on the computer, even to eat further food as you need calories to digest.
So apart from the fact they are extremely delicious I am going to sing the virtues of the main ingredients and conveniently sidestep the sweet, sweet fillings that include marshmallows and toffee sauce.
Eggs: Its had a somewhat bad press, but the egg is a great source for complete protein and vitamins A, B, C, D. From assisting vision to supporting replenishment of your bones these vitamins play an important role in your health.
It gets its bad press due to the media jumping on the bandwagon that cholesterol found within the eggs can influence blood cholesterol levels and therefore heart disease risk. True it has cholesterol within, however, it is understood now that an increase in cholesterol level is down to range of lifestyle variables and genetic predisposition with a sensitivity to saturated fat seen as a key to the cholesterol creeping up. Infact the body struggles to absorb cholesterol consumed from natural sources found within foods.

*Fact of the day alert* Whilst I am defending the consumption of eggs, lets defend cholesterol as well, essential for life, the body in fact produces its own cholesterol!
Flour: The flour we use for the savoury crêpes (galettes) is described as wholegrain meaning it has not had all the good stuff removed. Taking longer to digest, the increased level of fibre is good for filling you up and controlling blood sugar levels, which helps to stabilise energy levels, weight management and also your risk to diabetes.
Milk: Like eggs milk contains a range of vitamins and minerals including a great percentage of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of calcium. True it contains fat, but not really as high as perceived with the full fat milk containing at most 5% of RDA per 100ml. Fat and protein found within milk and eggs also slows digestion down, so as long as you are not drizzling lots of syrup on your crêpes then a crêpe can be a treat enjoyed by diabetics as part of a balanced diet.

Let’s just ignore the doom mongerers the paramedics are not needed just yet and as a well-known confectionary company says be treat wise!